Bubbas Contact Centre
A Space For You To Spend Time With Your Child or Children

Bubbas Contact Centre are an NACCC Accredited Supervised Contact Centre. We offer Supervised, Supported, Community, Virtual and Handover contact. We understand how stressful something like this can be and the anxiety on top doesn't help. Especially when you take your child/ren's feelings on your shoulders as well as your own. There are other struggles that come from this position, which many do not realise. We know that in most cases a contact centre alone is not enough.We stay with you from start to finish and offer additional services inclusive of the Listening Service. Children often also need additional services, which is why we offer a separate voice of the child package to allow them to explore their feelings. As parents, some of us have been through similar situations to yours, which puts us in a unique position to help you.

Contact: Veronica Thomas | Tel: 01920 449 127 | E: admin@walkthewalkcic.co.uk |
W: www.walkthewalkcic.co.uk | Visit us on Instagram

Howard Hall
Mrs Howard Memorial Hall

Groups @ Howard Hall
Mrs Howard Memorial Hall